Bloomington AAUP
Committee on Academic Freedom

The role of the Bloomington AAUP Committee on Academic Freedom (Committee A) is to protect academic freedom and ensure that the integrity of due process in academic personnel actions, as provided under policies of shared governance, is rigorously maintained. Its chief activity is to provide guidance and support for academic colleagues who feel that administrative actions applied to them have been inappropriate and wish to pursue some form of grievance remediation. Typically, this involves mediation or appeals processes concerning tenure, promotion, reappointment, contracted support, misconduct, salary, or restrictions on academic freedom.

Committee A members may provide a range of support, from general information and guidance on IUB grievance procedures to active representation in mediation and appeal contexts. The committee serves all academic colleagues, regardless of whether they are chapter members, including tenure-track and NTT faculty, as well as student academic appointees.

Committee A cases are generally led by one member of the committee and pursued in consultation with all members of the committee, excluding any who may have a conflicting role.

If you are considering filing a grievance and would like to consult with a Committee A colleague, please contact any member of the committee listed on the AAUP website home page.

